No, because I believe that social media is the major influence for a lot of the behavior of a lot of the individuals of today, a lot of the modern women, even the modern men. Social media plays a big part in that. Okay. Thanks for your interview, Eric
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:48


I also think that social media has really tainted women as far as how they dress and how they present themselves. And unfortunately, and I know I'm not going to get a lot of agreement on this, but I do blame men to a certain extent for that part of it
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:15
Hey, mo. So I want to challenge Eric a little bit, because every time that something messes up, people want to always say social media. They want to say social media. It's not social media that damages anything. It's what you do while you're on there. So it's your actions. It's not social media itself. Social media has a whole lot of benefits, just like we're on this will l
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 5:00

Interview #5 Eric’s Response

And let's see what happens from there, because interests will develop and let's just see what happens. In the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, swarcast family, everyone that's chiming in, I got Eric back with me. So check this out, brother. One of my swellcast sisters, Andrea, asked a few questions. You said you're looking for a woman that's compatible
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 5:00

Interview #5 (PART 2) Eric

There's a little bit of good. And she said she wanted to challenge you. You want to speak to. Yeah, yeah. Well, for starters, I'm not totally a downer of social media. I'm sorry. Because for others that's listening that don't know, Keith said, when things go wrong, quote unquote, everybody's looking to blame social media in terms of relationships or whatever. So go ahead. Yeah, I agree with that. I agree with that
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:46


But I really am curious because I always am curious about men that date women who are like 20 some years or younger than them or more. Right. Because for me, first of all, I couldn't date anybody that's in their 30s because my children are in their thirty s. And so for me, that would just be too weird. It would be almost like dating my children. And I know how my children's mindsets are
