Neal Damiano
@NealD · 5:00

Review of the long anticipated " Halloween Kills" released 2021

What's up, everybody? It's Neil D. Back with another segment on Film Talk. And here it is, everybody. My long awaited review rant of 2021 Halloween Kills. Everybody was anticipating and waiting and building up the hype for this film that takes continuation from the 2018 Halloween. And we're supposed to forget all about the other incidences that happened after the 1978 classic by Carpenter. Okay, now this film is loved or hated

My review / rant of the long awaited "Halloween Kills" lots of humor mixed with viscous gore and kills.

Jeffrey Prete
@JeffP · 2:39
Great review, Neil. You know, it's crazy. I actually have not seen this yet. Being a huge slasher fan and even just a huge Halloween fan. I'm not sure what is why, but for some reason I haven't watched it yet. I'm late to the game with this, but I listened to your review anyway because I trust in what you have to say. And honestly, I kind of know what's going to happen sort of
