Indy Rishi Singh
@MysticScientist · 0:50

Crowd-story with Swell

We're gonna do an experiment. I'm gonna start a story, and the swell community is going to add to it, and the next person that comes on adds to that story. And so the story continues, starting with this. There once was a puppet. This puppet was born not knowing who or what or why he came into existence, but he knew that something called for him to exist. He knew that he had some meaning or purpose

Let's tell a story together

Pepe had a wee little friend named Carolina. She said, Pepe, these are questions that those who are older than you typically ponder. Why are you going down this path? If you really insist that you must, you should go talk with the Oracle
Arish Ali
@arish · 0:17
Where will I find the Oracle? Asked Pepe. Well, said Carolina. You don't find the Oracle. The Oracle finds you. What you have to do is meditate for seven days and seven nights
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

After meditating for seven days and seven nights on this most beautiful cushion, Peppa was teetering with exhaustion and his vision was blurred. But he thought he saw some one coming toward him
Indy Rishi Singh
@MysticScientist · 0:25
Was it his imagination or was he actually seeing somebody walk towards them? And as they got closer, as that figure got closer, he realized it was him, it was himself. But he was no longer a puppet. He was walking up to himself as a human being
