Katee Wills
@MyRealLife · 4:57

About Me - #myreallifeseries

I have bipolar two, which I was just diagnosed with that in February, anxiety and depression. I was diagnosed with that back in 2016 and haven't handled it very well. I am now, though, it's getting better. ADHD and PTSD. So that's all fun stuff. So come along with me. I'm definitely going to be talking about that stuff. I'm definitely going to be talking about stuff that might be controversial to some people, and that's fine

#newpost #mentalhealth #reallife

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:02
It's. I absolutely love this. I know. Keep it real, right? Keep it real or keep it moving. I would love to hear about your content being a 911 dispatcher, if it's not too personal or private. I used to work as a dispatcher as well, and then I used to work for the police department as well. So, yeah, it's a lot. But I also would love to hear about bipolar
Katee Wills
@MyRealLife · 2:53


Because I've gone the majority of my life knowing something's not necessarily wrong, but something's different about me and about the way I feel and about my low energy and just recently being diagnosed with bipolar two, at first it was a shock. At first I was like, no, because like you said, there's such a negative connotation around it, and I'm excited to talk about it and kind of break down some barriers
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:42

#welcome #community #story

Hey, how fun to be a dispatcher while you're, like, living in the action. And also, that's something to be aware of with that fight or flight. That's some high, intense moments, and we cannot deny the fact that you will kind of resonate and feed off of the situations that are presented to you. So, yeah, just do your thing, clear yourself, and keep going. That's awesome
Katee Wills
@MyRealLife · 0:11


You. Thank you so much. Usually I would have more to say. I will say I am so drained today. I'm so tired. But thank you so much. I appreciate it
Seng Phengdouangdeth
@sengri_la · 3:03
It wasn't until I was in the middle of this very terrible relationship that was just beating me down, and I knew it was bad for me, and I knew it was bad for my daughter who I brought into the relationship with me, and I just tried to do the right thing because I'm a people pleaser
