Denise Lewis
@myconfettitree3 · 4:50

What is for me will not pass me by

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And I was trying to convey that to her, that even though things are okay right now, you know, things that are meant for us will not pass us by because they're meant for us. So they will never go away. There's just different steps to get to that point. And like I said, the girl's never been, never went to a church service. But I do speak very openly about praying and God with her. And just a little story I want to share

National Geographic photo of Supermoon over Devils Tower in Wyoming

Eric Moore
@moneyz16 · 1:36


Well, first of all, I just want to say that me seeing the picture, that photo that you have, that's a. That's a sign. That photo is very important to me. Mine is over a tower in Compton, California. I have my picture over a tower. Me and my dad has been working on. Has been working on. I guess what you can say is. I'm gonna say a project
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