Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 0:54

Robert needs surgery

Good morning, Swayle community. This is your boy, Antoine. Well, I started a fundraiser and I have this lump that's on my on my back, right on the back of my neck between my shoulder blades that is turned cancerous, and I need to get it removed. I don't have the money and I'm really just leaning on the kindness of strangers and family and friends to help me raise this money. So anything you could donate or give then I would definitely appreciate

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:07


I happily donated and you've been a great voice in this community and I'm just sending you lots of support and love and keep us posted on everything. Be a voice here that knows there's power in raising it and you've done that a lot and now it's for yourself and for your family. So sending you strength and just ease that this can resolve itself. Alright, thank you for including us in your journey
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 0:12


Thank you so much, Deborah. I really I really appreciate it. Thank you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Mark R Fitness
@Markrfitness · 1:48
I wanted to get it removed, but I guess they will test it then. But the doctor just thinks it's a fatty lump. They've looked at it, they looked at it again, funny enough, last week, and they're just saying it's just a fatty lump. The NHS National Health Service over here don't want to remove it unless it's causing any kind of pain or touching a nerve. It's very surface, so it's not, but strange coincidence
