Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 1:13

Joy and Pain

This has been a crazy 24 hours for me. Swell. I have to be honest. I've been going through these last couple 24 hours. I've been going through roller coaster emotions yesterday. My wife left me, and then maybe 2 hours after that, I get a letter from a friend of mine who had been in prison for the last 27 years. And he had a life without sentence. And they commuted his sentence and granted him parole. So he's going to be coming home soon


Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 1:56
I'm sorry to hear that, man. That's rough and a weird combination of things. One thing really great and the other terrible. But I can't say I'm going through anything in the moment, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way. But I've been through it all. So I had about a five year stretch starting around 2006 that it just felt like left, right, left, right, uppercut
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 2:03
And so I know it affected her. And so I try to always keep that in mind. But I'm also only human, and I'm just one person. So it just became a bit much and maybe ten years, we were together for ten years. So I don't know. It just kind of makes me seem like, on one hand, I wasted ten years. It's like, D***, I just basically just wasted ten years
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 3:00
But then there's another part of me that says, oh, well, just take the lessons out of it and just move on, which is what I'm going to do, because that's all we can do when push comes to shove, life goes on. So you just got to keep moving because that person is going to keep moving, and you got to keep moving and just wish them the best. And I wish her the best
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 3:53
In my first marriage, I compromised so much, I literally lost my sense of identity and who I was. So I can really relate to what you're saying. And it took me a while to find my legs, to find my meaning, to find out what I cared about because I'd almost become a martyr. But if I hadn't done that work in between, when that relationship ended and before I met Amethyst, my wife and she happens to be my business partner and co founder
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 1:04
I don't do that because it doesn't help me be better. And I just want to be a better person for the next relationship if I have one. So yeah, but I'm curious. As the 34 years is a long time. How long did you sit and mope around? I know you moped a little bit. How long did you it
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:34
Hey, I'm Toie thank you for sharing this with all of us. While I don't really have much to add in the way of experience, I will just say that, you know, talking to you on Swell here has been has been nice. And I I appreciate you, and I wish you all the best. So I'm sorry you're experiencing this pain, but simultaneously, I'm glad for your friend and I know how much that means to you on a social and emotional level
