Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:55

Religious Conversations with Family Usually Turn Bad

And so I don't know what your experience has been, having religious discussions with your family, but I know from my family, they just never turn out well. And from what I've seen in other people's families, they don't go well. So thank you so much. Swell. And share your experience as well

#religion #belief #faith #family #sundayswell

Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 3:33
I have a Jewish friends, I have a Muslim friends, and I have a friends of other Christian denominations. And listening to each one of them because it's amazing because see how different we can be. And I don't like to be involved in that conversation very much. In real life, I'm not saying about here in swell. What I'm doing here is to give you my opinion on what you posted


I think, too, something I found to be difficult that I experienced is that I was a believer for a number of decades. My parents both were and believed themselves to be prophets and so on. And so when I came to a place of no longer believing I kind of felt like I didn't want to even talk about it with them because I didn't want to even introduce the possibility of putting a chink in their armor, not their armor in their belief system. Right
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 1:47
It. What makes this conversation sometimes difficult is because of judgment. Lot of judgment. We don't discuss in the term of getting to know how to learn from one another. We want our opinions to be valued, we undervalue the others and we think that the way of thinking is the best, our church is the best, our pastor is the best, our religion is the best and therefore others opinions is kind of undervalued. That is my thinking. And this also contributes in
Flor Cantu
@FlorCantu · 4:54
And it's a shame that religion came to confuse everyone. I guess what everybody should do is just neither agree or disagree. Just try to be the best human being that you can and not hurt anybody. Just be decent about it. But the conversation with family does get heated. And I have an example, Flor, that one time I was visiting with family that I don't visit with often. So they did not approach me with any type of religion stuff
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:51


It's like things have changed and as the longer we walk with God and the longer we fellowship with Him, the more he reveals, the more he uncovers, the more wisdom we receive. And so it does change our outlook. And so we have to be open to other people and their ideologies because we're all human and we're not going to see God the exact same way. We're not a monolith just because we're Christian. Muslims aren't a monolith, Buddhists aren't a monolith
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:18


You don't see me any differently. Now, that just because we've had this conversation. But I would say that we're in the minority of people when it comes to religious conversations, because a lot of folks have been brought up in religion. They know rules, and that's what they know. When they think about God, they equate him to Coles. When they think about the Bible, they equate it to rules
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:57
Because the word of God does not need to be noticed. I said the word of God does not to be debated or argued. It is what it is. It's your interpretation of it. When religion come and rules and what people perceive, that's their own belief. I know people who have in their head made up certain things that are not true, that are untrue but if they believe it, who am I to argue against that?
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:13


Hey, like the scripture says, that pride comes before the destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall. And that's true because that's exactly what happened. The church ended up imploding. And, yeah, a lot of the things we thought we knew, we realized we didn't really know nearly as much as we should have known. But thank you so much for this
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:34


You're Methodist. You're Episcopalian. That's not of God. Man created those divisions, and with that comes the confusion, because God doesn't author confusion. And so man created all these different denominations because they interpret certain aspects of the Bible. They want to follow certain aspects of the Bible, and they feel like other aspects of the Bible are no longer applicable today. So we don't need these parts of the Bible
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 3:53
Or people would say things like, lol, I don't know how you all still do it with religion. I'm so glad I left a long time ago. You all are fools. And I just feel like, why the negative energy? Why? Because you disagree with something that I'm doing? So what? Where's the respect?
Flor Cantu
@FlorCantu · 0:38


Hi. I love Lucy. So I'm curious to know, hopefully you won't mind sharing. So, what do you believe in? If you could talk to somebody without them being confrontational or combative, like you said? What are your beliefs? What do you believe in? What do you believe to be bright? I'm just curious. Hopefully you will want to share. Thank you
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 1:04


I'm not going to lie and act like I follow it to A-T-I just do my best for sure to just stay in that space as best as I can. We all fall short, so I'm just pushing. I'm just pushing and just trying to get by and doing the best that I can. But thank you again for asking. I appreciate that
Flor Cantu
@FlorCantu · 0:31


It. Wow. Thank you for answering. One of the reasons why I'm asking is because currently I'm not following any type of religious practice. So maybe that could be another soul where everyone can share their beliefs without being judged. It would be nice to hear what everybody else has to share. Thanks
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
So that's how that goes. And I'm just not ready to jeopardize any relationship over something that I'm not going to change my mind about anyway. So we take our time and my family, we all got together in the end, but sometimes it don't work like that
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:45


The way that you interpret the Bible is different. Most of these denominations came because different people are saying interpreting the Bible different ways. For instance, people who are Pentecostal, they say that they believe in speaking of tongues as the Spirit gives utterance, according to Acts chapter One and chapter two, but they also believe in different lifestyles. Right? And so that's what it boils down to. And that's typically what most people argue about is the lifestyles
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00


Whatever understanding that you had, how about the relationships that we had down here and the differences of opinion and religion don't matter up there. Everybody goes to heaven and we'll all be brothers, jews, Muslims, Christians. And the Bible did change. It did change. It did. It just so happens that we got the one that was changed. Diversion. That's the one we deal with. And it was for the better rule the people
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 4:36
But soon as you think you got him on lock or better than somebody else, it's like you're going against the principle just in the Bible to defend it. And it's not even being attacked. I don't know. I do know I just believe God is when he's loving and caring. It ain't just flor a certain set of people. I believe God loves everybody, and I always did. I always did
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:56


So I've had to challenge some folks. But even with my parents, because they're Baptists, of course they don't believe in the Acts Church that we believe in the Pentecostal apostolic faith. They don't believe in the spiritual gifts operating still. They don't believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and all of that. We do. And they don't believe in speaking in tongues. We do. And they don't believe in the casting out of devils either. But we do
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:22


Whereas I've been in that church, another church, another church, and then the church I'm in now, I've learned some things a little bit different and then been exposed to a lot of things because through conferences, through guest speakers, and I've learned more things than biblical training and all of that stuff. So I've learned some things over the years. I'm not saying I'm smarter or I know more than my parents
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:26


So I'm not sure what you heard, but you should probably go back and listen again because I didn't say anything about Christianity. I said there's a bunch of different religions, there's a bunch of different religions, there's a bunch of different denominations. But when we get to Heaven, religion and denomination won't matter. It it god is going to judge you according to the word of God, period. In the discussion
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:56


We have to be careful who we allow into our space. We have to be careful who we listen to and who we agree with. We have to be very careful because everybody that says something about God is not saying the same thing. And I feel like I have to correct you because on the one hand and you can correct me if I'm wrong, on the one hand, you believe in God and you believe in the Bible and you read the Bible, you study the Bible
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00


I don't like people who one day they believe in God and God is powerful and God is almighty and God has been blessing them, and then the next day, well, how could a mean God? I ain't with that. I'm not with that. And I don't judge nobody's life. I don't know nobody on this. Well, personally, I've gotten to know a few people. We've talked privately, so I've gotten to know them
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00


And that's not going to matter in heaven. But we are going to heaven. And I thought you meant under a Christian umbrella. And that's what I said. Now let me see you on the other side
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
You. Now, what I was saying was, could God be so great, could he be so good? Could he be so loving, caring and compassionate that these other religions that you saying is going to hell, that he gave them to them people, too, so everybody would have a way to praise Him and we all go into heaven in a little rowboat? Is that possible? Or God ain't going to do that. He ain't got that much power
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 4:58


I'm saying that the God that I believe, that I know is too shallow. It's too shallow. There's too many people that's being ignored, burned up and all this then to read the Bible and say it so proudly about hell fire and all that, you know what I mean? Come on. What about peace? And you're saying God, he's almighty
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:26


There are people in every one of those that are going to heaven because although they have affiliation with those denominations or those religions, they believe the Bible and they live according to the Bible, and they do what God says to do in the Bible. And what's even more than them doing what the Bible says, they have a personal relationship with God. They talk to God and God talks to them. They talk to God and they listen to God
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:51


I put before you the choice God gives you a choice. He gives everybody on the planet a choice. You have to choose if you're going to choose to serve God or you're not going to choose to serve God. And it don't matter what religion you practice. If you are not serving the true and the God, the God of creation, then you made your choice, not me. I don't got to heaven, to hell to send nobody to
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 2:46


And you feel like you're 100% right because it says it in the book. I'm saying that choice, no choice. Somebody had never seen the Bible, somebody that's read it from COVID to cover, a Muslim, whoever. Who are we to say that God didn't create all that and give it to us all? That's all I'm saying. And I believe that God is that good. I believe it's like that. That's all I'm saying
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:38


And then once he had let them see that he had rose again, when it was time to ascend to His Father, he ascended to His Father in heaven. And so if you don't believe that all of that happened, then you don't believe in God. And if you don't believe in God and you don't believe in Jesus, and you don't believe in the Holy Ghost, because the three of them are one I didn't say you cantu going to heaven, god did
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 0:06


No, thank you. Don't want to hear it. I've had enough already. So appreciate your time
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 3:07


But we encountered this not too long ago. We encountered it. You know what's crazy? She disagreed with you, too, but you dealt with that way better than me disagreeing with you. And she was don't get me started. I'm not going to say that. But you was there, I wasn't. Nothing like that. So it's all good. Sometimes it's better to see these things early on than really hang around for a long time time
Charles Crafton
@dymanicdiction · 4:48
They're not coming from God. These are people coming from nature, their nature. And when people start talking from their nature, you are to back up. Put the brake on. I'm not going any further. Why do people do what they do? Because everybody believes that their religion is right. The Christian has a right to believe his religion is right, just like the Muslim does. The Christian will say, well, how would you worship? You don't need to worship no Allah
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:20


And like you said, there's one God. And if we don't believe on that one true and living God, then we won't make it into heaven. So thank you again for your words of wisdom. I appreciate it
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 5:00

It can be hard

But I think what we need to understand is how the two of us or the people that's in our lives, how can we be better spiritual beings to each other? I'm not going to have a confrontation with anyone on their beliefs, because that's their beliefs. But what I can do is live my life pleasing to God and also live my life as an example of the life and of the spiritual life that I say I am. Do I make mistakes? Yes. Do I sometimes stumble
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:18
She did want to recite the sinner's prayer on her deathbed a few days before she died. So she was very open and receptive and wanting to do that. But we all had our own path, basically. And this is my immediate family, so forget cousins and aunts and uncles. It's like just of my mom's kids. It's a lot. And so, no, we don't be talking about it
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:41


There's some things that my parents believe that are a little bit different from what I believe, and I don't necessarily agree with everything they believe and vice versa, but they're my parents. I love them. I respect them. And so I'm going to continue to honor my parents regardless. But, yeah, I love everything you said. It so spot on. Thank you so much
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:07


And there is nothing inherently wrong with that. It's just that we all believe differently. We're human and we're all individuals. Of course we're spiritual in nature and design, but we are having a human experience here on the earth and none of us will ever be able to 100% interpret the Bible from the heart of God because there are so many nuances to that. And we're not all going to
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:18


Usually it's either they believe or they don't. But it's nice to hear you talk about your family, your mom's experience in the church and your brothers and things like that. To know that all of you have such different spiritual paths and have explored different systems, I think that that's really cool. Pool so thank you so much for adding on to this conversation
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00


But I was raised in Islam and got away temple number one in Camden for some years and got away from it as I got older. And then my dad got saved and then we went into Christianity and I started seeing people talking about their problems with organized religion. And I never even really thought about it. But I also never thought that I was 100% right. I never wanted to be
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00


But to me, I'm not saying to anybody else, I mean, it might make perfect sense because you're the chosen people or whatever you choose to believe. I'm fine with that. But I believe God's so awesome that he's loving and caring. He's the most gracious and the most motionful, and I don't think that some of these things wouldn't even be here if they were just a set up to put everybody in hell that didn't believe they were Christian
Charles Crafton
@dymanicdiction · 5:00


He respected the Jews and the Jews respected him. He respected the Christians and the Christians respected him and we talking about when he was walking on the earth. Same thing with Jesus. We say we follow these people right? We follow either the messenger and prophet of God Jesus or his other messenger and prophet of God Muhammad and we do everything opposite of them. If I know I'm not built to do a religious talk with my family it's best that I stay away from that
@homosanity · 4:19
You. This is an interesting topic. What's interesting to me is that I really love having people in my life that believe differently than I do and where we don't necessarily agree on things, but can still be very caring, compassionate friends. It and that doesn't seem to be able to happen here. And I'll say this in America. I think America worships its dogma and whatever religious belief that it holds for Christianity. I often say America worships its Bible more than it worships its God
