Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 4:26

A Message from Monsoons

But are we really prepared to enjoy those rains in peace with a cup of hot tea and our favorite crispy snacks? Or do we have the baggage of fatigue which has been caused by the strenuous period that we have gone through earlier? Now this reminds me of an instance last year I was stuck in the rut of daily hectic work schedule. But there was also this much awaited vacation coming up soon

Events in our lives resonate with Seasons of Nature. Look closely and you can get so many hints.

Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 3:50
And in my late night swell last night also, I was doing a similar kind of thing. I was feeling extremely chaotic and messy inside my own head and heart. So I deliberately stayed up till late in the night. I don't do that usually, but I needed that silence, I needed that ten minute session of meditation because I was feeling extremely chaotic. I am feeling chaotic also right now, but not as much. And it's unnecessary
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 4:11
People tend to get stressed over the most inane things, right? And that is where we have to draw a fine balance. And I think your mom was very right in saying that learn to sort of pause before your big vacation so that you can truly enter into that experience, giving it your 100%. So one thing that my spiritual guru has said is great things are always achieved when you are relaxed, right? When you are not going after it with a sense of feverishness
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 1:37
Also, in the process, our generation have become very, very inert towards immaterialistic happinesses, such as appreciating ripples in a pond or maybe plant flowering for the first time or a tree fruiting for the first time. I feel as a professional of 15 years I have felt that these happinesses are equal to nothing in my life. I have felt that nature has given me so much happiness like no other relation and no other achievement. So that is there
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 0:18
Hi, Sreeja. Thank you so much for taking time to listen out to my poem and for your reply. You also have given me a couple of subtle insights, which, again, I'll be using them to create some more swells in the time to come. Thanks again
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 1:05


So thank you so much once again and I will continue to post some things and I look forward to your responses on that too. Thank you again. Thank you so much. Have a nice day
