Joey G
@MetalHeart · 1:05

Dr. Evil has taken over.

You. Hello, my evil listeners. You are expecting Joey G from MetalHeart. Now the station will be at Dr. Evil. I have now taken over this swell cast. Going forward, it's part of my evil domination plan. But enough about me. Now let's talk about the show. From now on, we'll be discussing all things evil
Romie herself
@Romiesays · 1:54

#evillair #volcano #geothermal #killerwhale

You, Dr. Evil. I'm so glad that you've opened this important discussion because I have pretty strong opinions about evil layers based on my past history. And I'm sorry, I don't know if you can hear my killer whales in the background. I don't mean orcas I mean particular whales. I've just they've been having a time. So the relocation
