44 and still going healthy and stress free

Of course, you know, nobody's perfect, but I hardly ever go out to eat. I don't like junk food. I try to do my natural remedies at home. I do my green juices. I don't like to go to the doctor. The only time I go to the doctor is for my annual checkup, and that's it. I've never been sick, sick, sick at all

#TellYourStory "The greatest adventure of my life" #DailyPrompt18Nov23

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:08

#health #inspire #change #age

And it's great to have that longevity and it's great to be a lighthouse for other people when they are curious or wondering how to live a healthier life when you are healthy, so healthy yourself that you embody it to a point where you look younger, way younger than your actual age. I feel like that's all the credibility you need. I feel like a lot of times in life people are fighting for credibility to be able to prove something


Hey, tay, thank you for the reply. And I know this is late, but I was really busy at work with all the holidays, so I'm trying to come back on swellcast and I'm trying to focus and I hope my thoughts and my story can help other people as well. And something that you said about people nowadays try to prove to themselves, to other people. Yes, it's so true. And I think you have nothing to to anyone
