Mark R Fitness
@Markrfitness · 1:29

This weeks fitness tip

All right, this week's fitness tip is a simple one. Just cut out treats. That's it. If you keep having chocolate and treats and sweet stuff up every day, I know you all know it's like, this is bad for me, or It's fattening, or It's just a small bit. What will happen? It's more than just extra calories. Or this is fanning. You're actually messing with your hormones

Keep treats to a minimum

Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 0:26


What's up, Mark? It's your boy, Mtwine. I know it's been a minute, but I thought I'd reach out and holler at my favorite Elvis Presley fan. So I see you've given a fitness tip of the day, so I thought I'd reach out real quick before I head out the door for work. Did you get a chance to see the new Elvis movie yet?
