Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 0:56

Dave Chappelle on SNL

I wasn't finding him to be that funny, but he's definitely back and I appreciate it. Did you guys watch him on SNL? I posted a link to where you can view the entire monologue. If you did, what were your thoughts on it? I'm excited to hear

#davechappelle #kanye #censorship #comedy

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:35
I can't say personally that I enjoyed some of his Netflix specials, but I still hold him in extreme high regard for his mind and the way he thinks and the way he puts together topical discussions. So, yes, I enjoyed it very much and I even watched, I believe it was Potato Hole sketch. And I don't want to give anything away, but it will subvert your expectations once again
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 5:00


Because when I hear that, oh, SNL writers don't want him to be on the show, a little bit of me wants to now watch the show more. So knowing that kind of like a publicity stunt, press kit thing is my first instinct. So I don't think I would have enjoyed the comedy special as much if he had focused on that. I'm sure if he did, it would have been so smart and so well done
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 1:20
A typical in my mind from where I am, a very typical African American perspective on a lot of things, which I thought nobody in a lot of ways, nobody's really talking about it, but we know that it's being talked about, right? It the media kind of is like, we're so surprised that the black vote actually is for Trump. And you're like, have you talked to a black person?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:51


But it was more of a he was very crude in his comedy and definitely didn't he was very misogynistic in his comedy and a couple of SNL cast did not want to be on the show with him at the time. And this was before the Internet, so obviously this has been going on for a while with public figures that are in the business of artistic expression, we can say. But, yeah, I enjoyed the monologue. My kids were watching me laugh
Vennie Kocsis
@VennieKocsis · 0:51

#davechappelle #snl

And most of all, I am happy for him and his family that he has a little bit of in your faith at the people who originally dumped him off, that he's back on the mainstream stage. I mean, not that Netflix isn't mainstream, right? To actually have your own special, but it was nice to see him on that stage. So go, Dave
