Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:59

Political Theater Dark Humor

And it took the entire 14 days for me to recover, and I still suffered from long COVID, but that's a different story for a different day. So COVID was very real. It's very, very real. We all know that. And I'm a survivor of it. But there are people out there who refuse to get the booster shot, right? For whatever reason, you're not interjecting. You're not injecting me with anything
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 5:00
It's not fair. And how can I look to you and say, oh, yeah, I want to support your candidate, or I want to you're right and I'm wrong, but you're pointing a gun at me. You have lost your cotton picking mind, you know? And did you see the debate between Marjorie Taylor, Green, soon to be Marjorie Taylor, and this other gentleman I forgot whose name and she said that she was also a victim of January 6
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 5:00
They're trying to develop a trend, right? Not the trend of truth. How about we trend that? Why won't truth become viral? Right? That's what it is. But, you know, I do know, but I want to say I don't understand people that's better. I don't understand. We got a lot of politicians that are out there that are wearing masks or their toothpaste
