Just Cuz
@LottaWorkBeinMe · 0:31

How to spend a lazy afternoon...

article image placeholderThe Swell Questionnaire
I think on a lazy afternoon, what I would do is spend time with myself on my thoughts and my curiosities, my interest, and do research, do artwork, but just spend time with myself. That's normally what I do. That's pretty much it

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp5 https://s.swell.life/SUBBWf856FF1jy7 #TellYourStory

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:28
I'm totally with you. I think there's. We spend so much time on other people and, like, doing other things that are kind of, like, on autopilot mode. It's nice when we have an afternoon to ourselves to just hang out. Hang out with ourselves with. Like you said, with your thoughts, with your curiosities. Kind of take a moment to go deeper in whatever it is that you want, even if it's rest, right? Yeah