London Reads
@Londonreads · 4:56

Text Text Text Text…….

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and thank you for tuning into London Read. So here's another thing I wanted to talk about, something to Sent, because I got to get it off my chest. So I was talking to this guy who said he was, quote, unquote, interested in me. And I know him for a while, actually. I met him on set through work

#texting #secret #emotionless #inconsistent #implusivness #outspoken #departure #fairness #deception #tarotcards #relationships #dating #options #love

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:39
Because I'm a phone person, I don't mind texting every now and then but I'm not really with the whole texting thing. Right, and so you just established at the beginning but it's learning, it's growing, it's like we're not in a situation that I'm requiring you to, we're not in that relationship
London Reads
@Londonreads · 1:23


Hey, thank you so much. There's nothing wrong. There's nothing wrong. There's nothing wrong. He doesn't have a stuttering problem at all. I spoke to him before in person plenty of times, so there is nothing wrong. Something going on that he's doing. You know what I mean? I called him out, and, yeah, I still haven't heard from him. Didn't even get a good morning text. There's nothing wrong. He's on his BS
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:28
However, our connections have been based over this period of time on him reaching out to me and pursuing and I wanted to spend time with him over the weekend and that didn't happen because I wasn't invited. And I allowed myself to get into this frenzy of anxiety and upsetness about it. And I had a conversation with a female friend last night and she provided clarity
London Reads
@Londonreads · 3:23


Hey, girl. Thank you for your opinion and your thoughts. I've been ghosted. I've been had men ghost me. I had men disappear on me before, and I had to the initiative to call, and it didn't pick up. It never worked in my favor believer to be masculine, you know what I mean? It always has worked in my favor to be feminine, but not masculine
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:33


Then definitely protect your peace and your energy in your harmony and your love and have amnesia. I love that phrase from someone I've heard it from. If someone is not for you, they're showing signs they're not interested or committed to getting to know you, then have amnesia. Delete their number, disconnect with them from whatever platform you're connected with them on and have amnesia. You don't even know them anymore. You don't even know who they are any longer
Enfinit Evolushun
@Enfinit · 4:57
So you don't have to become so intimate in a text and you can connect. One of the most dangerous things I've done was pass on some words and say the right words so that the woman on the other end can be stimulated and pay attention. But the bad thing about that is the consequences, the emotional consequences and the soul ties that I've caused to happen and break because I couldn't follow through. And I was a bad guy
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 3:27
And so if you're looking for somebody or looking for validation or looking for love, you're going to pick up on those trigger words, and you're just going to be like, man, I'm all in. So oh, my goodness. I'm just so proud of you being so open and honest in a way that it's rare
Nick G
@NickGweezy · 4:58


And one of these people that takes attention from the opposite X for granted. I was posting these very do eyed social media posts and look at me type of thing, and when I was talking to her at the bar about my YouTube videos and I was like, yeah, one of them got however many views. She's like, oh my God, that sucks. I've had a YouTube video that had a million views
London Reads
@Londonreads · 3:31


If something doesn't feel right about somebody, then listen to that. I want to go ahead and close that. Sorry for the long rant, but once again once again, I thank you. And I hope that my other ladies hear what I just said as well. Appreciate you
London Reads
@Londonreads · 1:07


Hey, thank you so much for your thoughts and your opinions on this. But, yeah, I did reach out and of course I didn't get it. He didn't pick up his phone at all. And that's not a surprise at all. I already knew that was going to be it. But, yeah, texting is easy. Phone call is the next level thing and he was not willing to do that. Reason being because he got his own little quote unquote situation going on
Nick G
@NickGweezy · 4:55


And she does this thing before I leave. After two glasses of wine. It's like, oh, I'm just going to climb in my bed. And I'm like, oh, I know what the f*** this is. And I was like, all right, good night. Didn't ask for her phone number. Next week, similar s*** happens. I see her again and I get the same wine as her or whatever we're talking
Jack .
@zejacques · 1:37
Hey, London. Reese. It's Jackie. Thank you for the invite. I'm kind of just getting to my influence. I don't have the time to listen to everyone else responses. It looks like a juicy conversation already, but it does seem weird. I am text up, but also a caller, like a healthy combination between the two. And especially if you've met the guy already
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:07


London Reads
@Londonreads · 2:07
And when I go back to my messages and I listen, it does push me, and it helps me. It motivates me, you know? It's very encouraging. You know, it's unrealistic to be a person that's saying, let go, let go. And it's easy to let go when in reality it's not. No matter how many times you may preach it to different people or many people, it is what it is. I'm not in love with this guy
