Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 0:36

Making Friends with Al-Kuhl

Making friends with alcohol. At the bottom of the bottle, I found a death wish. Take me away from this simsara Stupor. I can't bear this self anymore. Maybe next round will be different. Is it worth a shot? Maybe not. I woke up naked on the bathroom floor crying a prayer. Please help me. Love me

Art: Masayo Fukuda #poem #poet #poetry #addiction #addictionrecovery #alcohol #sober #soberjourney #soberpowered #mentalwellness #suicide #demonsandangels #kirie

Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:18


You. This you already know. And you are so brave being the hit, the healer. I see. Thank you. Thank you for sharing this
