Deborah Vilawys
@Lolabunny0925 · 1:37

#Perspective | If I could change one thing in this world...

But I think if we stripped away everything else and really just looked at things from a heart perspective, from a humanity perspective, we would have so much more compassion and love for other people. It'd also be easier for us to be better people, I think, because we'd be so aware of what causes pain and how things should maybe be expressed or handled and that type of thing

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb17

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:27
Yeah. If there was a better balance between the head and the heart as a whole of humanity, we would. We would be way better off and seeing people and not statistics or more technical terms. To really see somebody and act based on that, I think, would make the world better
