Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 0:35

What do you do for daily exercise?

Hello, everybody. This is Mahoney and I'm sitting at a little cafe in the center of Loretto here in Baja. We just got back from Snorkeling early in the morning. We're sort of taking this up as our daily exercise since it's become so very hot here. They got me wondering how many of you guys do some daily exercise? And if you do, what is it? Share it with me

Share your daily routine in exercise

Mitchell McKay
@ThePhantom · 0:33
This summer, my dad and I have been going to the gym. I have Planet Fitness here in Ohio. We have an agreement. We typically go to the gym on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday. Hayes because on Wednesdays my dad and my mom have church service that night. And on Wednesday day mornings I typically go for a long walk around the neighborhood and
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 1:27
And honestly, because I was forced to competitive swim so much as a child, I mean, I'm naturally blonde, and my hair turned like, snot green, to be honest with you. That's how much I was swimming. I don't like it anymore. So for me, I really love being out in nature and just going on nature walks and nature hikes. I absolutely love it. It gets me out and about, and I get to see nature and beautiful animals
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 2:33

@Lokigen. I stretch.

Hey, what's going on? Zach here. This is my first time hearing one of your swells, and I felt like I wanted to jump in because, you know, there's one really obvious thing that jumps out when I'm thinking about my exercise patterns. And I have cerebral palsy
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 0:21


It. Right on. So, you know, it's always good to have a partner when you're exercising. That's pretty awesome that your dad is willing to do that with you on a daily. It definitely keeps you motivated, you know, you keep each other motivated, and that's a good thing, man. That's awesome. Thank you so much for sharing that
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 3:35


There's something sort of meditative about getting into nature and sort of just walking in it, being a part of it. And yes, exercise for the mind. I sort of overlook that I was just thinking physical, but you're absolutely correct. You need to exercise your mind daily. When my son was born in 96, I didn't know anything. I was a very young parent. I barely knew how to be a young adult at the time, so I was terrified of being a parent
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 2:52


My dog keeps me motivated to get up and stretch and to move those muscles around, because if you don't do that, if you don't move them around, if you don't use them, they can very quickly disappear on you. And for those of us that have been there, we appreciate it more. So, yes, stretching is mullion Portante before doing any exercise whatsoever and then just sticking to it, man, daily get up and just do it. That's awesome, man
