What is the perfect vacation for you? What is your idea of the perfect vacation? What does it involve? Are you a cruise, all inclusive, hotel resort type person? Do you plan trips to hike mountains and walk national park trails? Are you the type that likes to go out camping for days on end, cooking around the fire? Do you envision yourself going to Europe or Asia to take in the and with? How how does that go? Are you staying in local hotels?

Just that, I want to know what you think a dream vacation consists of.

charles Harrington jr
@charlesalive12 · 0:21
We're anywhere out of Louisville, Kentucky, right now. I've been wanting to get out of here for years, go up north. So I start with New York first, and then I'll let you know. But first I gotta get up north first. But that's the perfect vacation for me, away from Kentucky
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 1:23
And it doesn't necessarily have to be me flying somewhere. I live in Sacramento, and there's lots of really wonderful nature trails, and I try to get out and just enjoy life that way every day on a daily basis. Kind of my little oasis, I guess. But in terms of actual getaways right, like going places, I am a Canadian American, and I love going back home to my home country, to Canada. We have some beautiful places up there
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 1:18

My favorite vacation is not what you would think. #Travel

You. Well, my first favorite vacation that I love doing is staying home and doing nothing and just indulging in that and turning off the phone and getting up whenever and going to sleep whenever, trying food that I haven't had a chance to try, and checking out places around me that are really special that I never get to see it. My second favorite thing to do is travel to different places but go on horse riding tours
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 2:06


There is nothing wrong with that. If I had a regular home, I probably would take many vacations there. Getting to know your home and your neighborhood again or better is always a wonderful time. When I lived in Seattle, I would often take these day trips around the city just to find new things and I was never disappointed. There was always something new and I think it sort of set the pattern for me for when I started traveling
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 2:19


And I didn't actually really want to leave, but I was coming back down here. But, yes, I share that with you. Just being anywhere in nature is fantastic. I'm really learning to appreciate desert life when before my ideas of desert life were very limited and not too positive. I come from the Northwest, so we have trees, we have water, and when it hits about 65 degrees Fahrenheit, we are in shorts and T shirts and sunbathing, provided the sun is out
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 2:10


Oh, yeah. New York. I had an aunt that lived in New York. She sort of had a lot of money. They had an apartment right next to Central Park there, right? Not really right next to it, but you could kind of see it down the street when you came out of her building. But yeah, new York, that's a trip, man. Manhattan in particular
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 2:32


That sounds awesome. You know, I started my life I was born on Clark Air Base in the Philippines. We spent part of my life there. Then I moved to Guam and then we did Puerto Rico before finally moving to San Diego. The big theme here is there's a lot of beaches involved and everywhere I lived, even when I moved to Seattle as a young adult, seattle is right there on the water
Wehi 808
@storiesofhawaii · 2:09


But I would love to experience new places as well, like Europe, like Paris, France, Spain. Also go to Alaska one day. I want to go somewhere, go somewhere that's pretty cold, snow. And here in Hawaii is pretty warm and hot this summer, so just would love to get out of the islands one day. I haven't been outside of the US. I've been around the US. But not much for fun or vacation yet
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 3:27


Right on. Well, you know, I was born on clark air base in the philippines. My father was in the navy, so we spent some time in the south pacific, guam, and whatnot we got as far as puerto rico, and up until that point, I had lived my entire life on islands. And so when we left puerto rico and went to san diego, wow. What a culture shock
