Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:34

Its not Gray Hair, its Wisdom Glitter!✨✨🪩

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And times I have tried to dye my hair, but my hair is very stubborn. It's like, what you doing? We not taking that. Why you even trying to cover us up? No, we gonna kick that out. It doesn't even take anymore. Like, it doesn't take over my grays. So I've embraced it. I have. I've embraced it. I haven't tried to color my hair in years because I'm grateful to have gray hair

#GrayHair #Wisdom #GettingOlderIsAGift #OlderAndWiser #GrayHairOrGrayGlitter #LadyFi

Valerie G
@ValBGood · 1:18
So I entitled my grades as my soldiers of gray. They line up nice and perfectly right around my edges. And I love the fact that you expressed your authenticity about it and how, you know, everyone should just embody the changes that happen as we do age. But I do have to admit, I do send the soldiers of gray to camp and get a nap and then put some dye in from time to time. But I absolutely love your post. Have a beautiful day
Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:12
Hi. Agree. I have gray hair too. And my landlord said something to that. To me. Like that. It's wisdom. Something familiar to that. Anyway, take care. Have a great weekend
MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 2:55

"Iron Lady" is such an iconic title!

And I just think that that money could be used somewhere else. That time could be used doing something else. And if someone doesn't like my hair and the way I've chosen to do my hair, then that's too bad. That's just my take. You know, I cut my hair off. I don't have long hair. I've had people tell me, you should grow your hair out long. And I'm like, I don't want to grow my hair out long
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:17


Hey. Thank you. Thank you so much. You know what? I do not hate on people that dye their hair. I just think that I'm not gonna do it anymore because, you know, first of all, it's senseless. It's not gonna take. And then, second of all, I'm getting to like me the way I am. And if people don't like me the way I am, I'm not sorry. I would
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:11


Oh, I like that. Silver is shiny. Silver glittery hair. Okay, that's my new mantra on that. I mean for real, for real. That's amazing. I love that. And you write, if somebody don't like your hair, too bad, like don't, I don't care
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MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 1:45

@LadyFi Just be YOU! 😉

And maybe the little children that are taken, the ones that suffer abuse and are taken prematurely, I think that those children probably are perfect, and that may be why he takes them. Then I don't know. I don't know our higher, superior beings plans for us. But, yeah, whatever it is. And I agree with you, too. The whole wig thing, if you want to be different for a day, go to it
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:56
So ever since then, I was like, you know, I'm not going to cover it, and I won't cover it now. I do have a couple bottles of some hair color because I'm trying to experiment with some hair color for a different reason. But as far as to cover up the gray, I'm no longer of that mindset. We have tarak Al Grey. I love the gray, the silver, the glitter. So thank you for this encouragement
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 0:58
I'm done trying. I don't have that kind of time to keep messing with that when it doesn't bother me. Bothers other people, though. Why I enjoy it. So keep on shining. Glitter bug. I love this one. And thank you for inspiring me to continue to love my little gray cells
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:30
Hey, lady five. I'm cracking up. When your sister said, take care of that kitchen, because that is exactly where most of my gray hair is. Definitely on the edges, at the base, like, gray hairs on my neck. Like, where did that come from? You know what I'm saying? Or shall we say wisdom glitter on my neck. But I do color my hair. But I look forward to the day of having, like, long silver strands
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:09


You better say that, because, look, it's so many people that didn't make it. They didn't make it. They. They won't make it. We are here. The Lord has blessed us to grow wiser and smarter and stronger every day. And I love the fact that I have gray hair. I mean, I'm getting older, and it's okay, because it means that God has still left me here with a purpose, with a mindset, something to do
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:02


It was just beautiful. So one day when I'm the grandma, I hope to be as strong and have as much faith or more than she ever had. And I can't wait to enjoy my gray hair, you know? So I'm going to send you a little picture or whatever of what my gray hair looks like right now. So. Yeah, but, honey, I'll rock a wig in a minute. And it's not because I have gray hair
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:29


I wanted to thank you for everything you said, mama. Stronger. I really want to thank you because you remind me constantly that God still has a purpose for our life. And there are other people out there that are less fortunate than us and that, you know, there are babies that have been taken back to heaven because God knew that they were going to suffer or something was going to happen to them in their life. So he wanted them to come back
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:58


I'm so grateful you mentioned that when we talk about aging, because there's nothing wrong with that. Just the fact that I'm here to be able to age. I'm telling you, it's just a wonderful thing. And I am so glad that God has chosen to allow me to still be here. Like I said, I really want the silver strands. I really want the beautiful, long, silver hair like my grandma had. So I'm looking forward to it
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MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 0:13


You are a blessing. Never, ever let that thought elude you. You're a blessing to many people on here, myself included. Thank you