Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:20

The Past I Can Forgive, its the Pattern I can’t Rock With!

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You know, even Jesus, our Jesus, even, he kicked the dust off of his feet and he left people behind. Any of the naysayers, he just kept it moving. He really did, because he knew he was on a mission. He knew he had a plan. He knew he had things to do and naysayers and people that didn't believe or people that kept on doing the same thing over and over and over, he just left it behind

#Patterns #Forgiveness #RockWith #PushingPastThings #IDon’tHavetoRockWithYou #Can’tStandNonsense #SocietyAndCulture #LadyFi

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:03
And then they hurt you again, but it's worse this time. And then you remember the first time. That's the pattern. And if you look over the course of time, you realize you've done the same thing just in different situations. You never learned your lesson, or you might have done the same thing, but just you did it with a different person. It may have been some years in between, but you did it again
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Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:54
Hey, sis. This is good. Yes. Forgiveness is a continual practice that we have to do, but that doesn't mean that people can still have access to us just because we forgive. And I think that's a mistake. And probably a thing that hinders people from wanting to forgive is that they feel like forgiving means I'm letting it go. I'm, you know, wiping the slate clean
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 5:00

Forgive, but "forgetting" sets you up for more of the same.

And I thought it was coincidental. So I invited him in the living room, rebound the show a little bit, started showing it to him, and the comedian didn't even get one line out. And she was standing between my son and the television, jumping up and down, waving her arms, telling him to pay attention to her. And I, that was my hello moment where I was like, what the heck is going on?
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MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 0:30


You hit it on the head. I just listened to your post because it wasn't directed at somebody, it was just open. So I just jumped in and listened. But you're absolutely right. Forgiveness is a gift and you choose to forgive someone, you don't give them the same gift over and over and have them rip it up, stomp on it, throw it away. That's foolish. Absolutely agree. Thank you for putting that out there
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:49


Girl. I feel you. I feel you. When people keep hurting you and hurting you, I'm like peace, love, you know? Peace, apple, greek, all of that. I'm out. You know, I just. Deuces. Because I can't do it anymore. I try to forgive and I will. I will forgive you. But it doesn't mean I have to keep associating with you. You know?
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:59


It just means I'm not going to rock with you. We not Finna hang out. I'm not Finna come to your party or whatever. Whatever you're doing. I will still pray for you. I will forgive you, I will wish you well and blessings for the rest of your life. However, it doesn't mean we have to be friends anymore because you've already. You've already shown yourself not to be a friend
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:23


It's hard to trust people that show a pattern that they cannot be trusted or that they're wavering or that they're sneaky in anything. You know, that that is the hardest. So I wouldn't feel bad that you. Sorry about that. I don't. I wouldn't feel bad that you don't trust her because, you know, things happened and she made you not trust her. So, yeah, I do understand entirely
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Gentle Flame By India
@INDIA333 · 2:28
You gotta kind of place them where it is that they belong and keep moving forward. Right? Not everyone can come with you. And, like, for myself, when I started building my relationship with God, before that, before I started my whole healing journey and everything, I was a people pleaser. So I felt good making other people happy, being that yes. Person. But now that I value myself, what I choose to tolerate has changed
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Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 1:04
Evelyn, I can't tell you how much I agree with this. I have some family members, and my gosh, you know, they wonder why we're not so close anymore, right? Because what they say versus their actions are way, way two different things. Right? And as I was listening to your swell, which. Thank you for this. Always phenomenal, I couldn't. The phrase self care kept coming into my head because, my gosh, if we
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:56


Hey, Miss Leanne. Absolutely. I'm not going to let the devil sit at my table. I bless my table and ask God to bless my house. If people are not in my corner or for me, God will sift them out like we. I'm telling you, we don't always have to get rid of them. Sometimes God will move them. He'll move your stumbling block. I guarantee you he will, because he's done it for me
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:22


And we can pick our friends, but we can't pick our family, right? So I love my family. I continue to pray for my family. But sometimes distance is allowed. You get 20 minutes out of me, and then I'm done with this particular person, and I just, you know, remove myself so that I can stay pleasant and stay positive and stay on the good high that God has given me
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