Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:40

#askswell | Living behind a brick wall

And it is so hard to get past that. No one can get past it. And it hurts you, the person, because you are locking yourself up, essentially. You are putting yourself to live inside yourself and not allow anyone the grace that they need in order to get to know you. Don't you think that you deserve to be heard or helped or loved or understood? I'm giving this well right now because there are people out there just like me that have put up a brick wall

#mentalwellness #affirmationsoflove #grace #brickwall #nomorehiding

Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 3:12
So I think everyone has the dream or think of having someone since life or her life we all want to be somewhere have someone around you or people around you but the approach is different. Some are very quick, some very slow. But when you get to know people, some people will sound they seem cold. But when you approach them, then you will find out the very warm people have warm personalities
Mike Phipps
@Bigguy1 · 1:26
But I agree with you on what you said. You can't find anyone. You can't love anyone or anything else or see anything when you're behind a brick wall. Bye
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:57


I understood you perfectly. I thought that was very nice. Some people don't know how to get from behind there. They don't want to stay there. They're just stuck there. It took me a long time to get from to even peek from behind that wall, so I totally get it. And you're right. Most of the people that are behind the brick walls, it excuse me, they are friendly and they will warm up to you
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:01


Sometimes you find the right person, but you got to take that first step. I remember a couple of years ago I told myself that this new year would be the year of yes. Whatever it was, I was going to say yes because I always said no. I never allowed myself to do anything or go anywhere because I was behind a brick wall
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:07
And then even when they tell us, because we didn't realize it before, because we didn't know, sometimes when somebody will tell us, like, we're behind this brick, verbal brick wall, we won't even allow them to help us come out from behind it because we don't believe we are. You know what I'm saying? And that's the whole point of the brick wall
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 0:59
Hi, Ara. You are welcome and thank you for your kind words. I'm glad to hear the way you solve your problems. When you get knocked down, you get up quickly and that is great because most people will need someone with your personality. You can help friends, family, coworkers with that type of personality that you have
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:50

@malekea @Ara70 @Andrea_Speaks @Bigguy1

And this picture that is on here right now, this is when I first started feeling better about myself, about having possibilities and choices and chances and knowing that it wasn't know I told my mom, I said, mom, I've had two failed marriages. And she says, no, Evelyn, you've had two men that failed you. And I said, thanks mom, because she knew that's exactly what happened. But anyway, now I'm happy
Mitchell McKay
@ThePhantom · 4:54
I actually had my dad record do a video of me, an audition video for the solo. But because of COVID the show got canceled. At my graduation ceremony, I wanted to tell a girl that I love to her. I specifically he expected her to ask her to sign my yearbook and then hen write I love her. And then I was going to write I love you on it, but she wasn't there. The graduation ceremony wasn't as special as I wanted it because it was cohova
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:58


Because this is what matters, is the word of God going forth and are people getting saved and whatever church that is for you, church of Christ, et cetera, as long as people are getting saved and living a godly life in that church, that's what matters. So when you are able to do that, maybe you can go visit another church or maybe you can even talk to your parents about that, I don't know
