Kapil Gupta
@kubersaprentice · 0:42

Inner Beast

What is your relationship with your inner beast? When you imagine your inner beast, do you feel confronted? Do you feel a sense of danger or do you feel a sense of freedom? Or maybe you feel that it is a part of you that feels suppressed and needs to be let out? Do you feel that if you let your inner beast out, it's will cause harm or will it bring you some joy in life? What is your relationship with your inner beast? I would love to know

#life #innerwork #spirituality

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:53
I picture my inner beast as a little growling forest wild cat. And I can see her kind of, like, scrunching up her nose and growling and have, like, the little fire in her eyes. But she's not really bad or destructive, but she's just kind of in the shadows a little bit, looking through the leaves and trees. She's got some energy that she doesn't know where to put, but she stands her ground
