Kindly Ken
@KindlyKen · 4:06

Deep Dive: Authenticity

I'm grateful that we explore it together. And if you've made it this far, I really appreciate you taking the time to listen. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts. I am very interested in knowing what you all think. Until next time. Take care

#mentalhealth #wellness #selfcheckin #encouragement #selfhelp #introspection

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:11
Just like everything started tracking, and the things that I didn't enjoy about myself that I felt were fake or I felt were, like, facetious, it became why that was. And it was super interesting and very painful sometimes. But, yeah, kind of like, the best thing. And it's totally changed my life. Absolutely. So, yeah. Thank you. Thank you for this deep dive
Kindly Ken
@KindlyKen · 0:34


It's. Thank you so much for responding. Everything you said was just spot on about pain points, about having to go back and revisit some of those painful situations in your life, in your lives, in order to reach certain conclusions that will lead you to living a more offensive take life and becoming more self aware. So I really appreciate your response and I really appreciate you joining the conversation
