Kavya N
@KavyaNagarajan · 0:18

How far the influence of Modern Games over the Traditional Games?

Hello, everyone. Hope you're doing good. So today we have come up with another interesting interview session about the influence of modern games over the traditional games with Abeta, who is an excellent podcaster in Tamar and English. So let me welcome Abita now


abitha M
@Abitha123 · 0:13


Hi, Kavya. I am so glad to be in this interview, especially for this interesting topic, which creates a lot of nostalgia for me. Anyway, let's get into this
Kavya N
@KavyaNagarajan · 0:09


So, Abitha, tell me, according to you, what are the major differences between the old games compared to the ones played nowadays?
abitha M
@Abitha123 · 0:30


The major difference between old games and the modern games is all about the health itself. In evening time. We always used to play a lot of games in ground along with our friends. But today the things have changed a lot. We, the children, spend their whole day in a four ballroom with electronic gadgets, spending a lot of time in playing video games which often create addiction towards it
Kavya N
@KavyaNagarajan · 0:09


Yeah, exactly. Abitha but have you ever think that why do these kids do prefer video games over the traditional games?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

abitha M
@Abitha123 · 0:30


Actually Kavya, that kids don't know many of these traditional games and all. So most of the parents are giving the mobile phones for all the time in a day, especially for having food and after doing homework and all. So eventually it becomes a habit to these kids. Major concern is that both uneducated and educated parents are providing their mobile phones. So that kids mostly prefer video games
Kavya N
@KavyaNagarajan · 0:13
Yeah, really, abitha, this is actually the main reason behind this. So as we know, everything has positive as well as the negative aspect. So do you see any positive aspect of these modern games?
abitha M
@Abitha123 · 0:27


Kamya coming to the positive aspect as today the kids are more update about the technology as well as its usage while comparing to us so I think that is only a positive thing and all others are negative such as addictive, increase of violence, behavior and all but according to me if everything stands in a limit it will be in a positive way
Kavya N
@KavyaNagarajan · 0:08


Yeah. Yes, of course I did that. So now tell me, what are the games that you have used to play near childhood days?
abitha M
@Abitha123 · 1:12
Koko is the most prevalent tag game in the subcontinent. It consists of two teams at a given time. The chasing teams, nine players sit on their knees, are generally facing in opposite directions, with the three players from the defending team try to avoid being touched by members of the opposing teams. And another one is pumbaram. Literally, it means the spinning top. It's all about making the top spin for the longest amount of time. So these kind of interesting games that I played caviar
Kavya N
@KavyaNagarajan · 0:10


So nice to hear about these games. Abitha. Among these pumbaram is quite new one for me. Anyway, thank you for this wonderful talk
abitha M
@Abitha123 · 0:08


Thank you, Caviar, for this amazing interview, which brings a lot of nostalgic memories in me
Kavya N
@KavyaNagarajan · 0:14


Not only for us, Abitha. Many of our listeners will be having the same feeling of nostalgia about the golden days of childhood. Anyway, once again, thank you, Abitha. Thank you for all my listeners. Have a nice day
