Minnie Emiliana
@KatphishMinnie · 2:22

Thought: Never Settle for Less

Love does not delight in evil, but rejoice with the joy and the truth. It also protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always preserve. Love never fails. I know not a lot of people are religious or anything. I'm a very spiritual person. I'm not a religious person. I'm very spiritual and I feel like there are some good quotes and good meetings in different books that we may come across

#neversettle #knowyourworth #selfrespect #selflove #selfcare #brokenrelationship #heartbreak

Regan Ridling
@regan · 2:33
This is so, so true. I think it can be super easy to fall into relationships that feel comfortable despite you not really being happy or you're not really feeling like your needs are being met. And it's definitely a good reminder to reevaluate when you're in relationships and think, Am I settling? Am I really happy? Is this a good relationship for me? Because I think a lot of us have done it. A lot of us, myself included, have settled for relationships
