Joey Lopez
@JoeyLopez · 2:41

Why you should start your day with fitness

Good morning everyone. My name is Joey. I'm back at it again with my second swell cast, if you will, this morning, talking about motivation in the gym and why you should be including fitness and starting your morning off every day with some type of fitness, moving, mobility, anything that that kind of gets you going for the day

#motivation #gym #habits

Apple Underwood
@appleunderwood · 0:46

Thank you for saying this

You said that if you own the morning, you can own the day, and if you own the day, you'll have enough good day, that you'll have a good life. I thought that was dope. That was very cool. I'm glad I listened, and I'm glad you said that. Thanks so much
Jack .
@zejacques · 0:36

@JoeyLopez @appleunderwood

I'm around if you have any questions to answer but definitely recommend you checking out the channels, figuring out the invite tool. You can invite people to Swells. Other people can invite you to Swells. It's a cool community. So enjoy. I'll speak to you guys soon. Bye
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Joey Lopez
@JoeyLopez · 0:47


So that's where that comes from, but still remains true. Obviously. I'm really glad that those words resonate with you and then hopefully you're able own the day on the morning and have a great day. If not, I hope you'll do your due diligence and make today that great day for yourself. Alright, bye
Joey Lopez
@JoeyLopez · 0:39


And I'm looking forward to more swell posts or swell cast, if you will. And hopefully more and more people listen, and that can impact the lives of many. So with that, I have a great day. Talk to you later
