Jessica McMillan
@JLMcMillan · 3:41

The Soundtrack of your Generation? The movies of John Hughes and beyond

And we even have in the 70s, American Graffiti and the 80s, the Big Chill, looking back at the 1960s trying pop culture, those songs. But I'm more interested in the soundtracks that are curated during their respective generation. And John Hughes captured a lot of the pains of growing up in the songs that he chose. I think he cataloged some of the best pop. I'd like to consider the soundtracks as a time capsule, and the variety is wonderful

#music #songs #soundtrack #film #generations #playlist

Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:08

This was so cool and a lovely journey down memory lane!

And then I listened to the soundtrack, and I was like, actually, I think I just like the movie, but I think one that I could say and that might be my generation ish I'm a Gen Xer is a flash Dance, and then other movies that I like. But I think I like the movie and not the soundtrack that much. When I listen to the whole thing, I like The Wedding Singer. Sorry, the Wedding Singer
Jessica McMillan
@JLMcMillan · 1:27

Fantastic examples😉 @realbriggster Meant I wasn’t a teen in the 80s

What a power cast. But I don't remember the soundtrack for that at all. For the Wedding singer I love. And I remember when that soundtrack came out 80s had already been making a really big revival, and it's funny when you think of it, because it really wasn't that much later that the soundtrack came out. But I remember there was a big, you know, celebration of classic Eighties tunes. So anyway, yeah, thanks
