Harsh S
@ItIsHARSH · 5:00

Vipassana Meditation : Insight Mediation

Namaste. Okay, that is a very bad voice modulation. Anyways, welcome back to my channel. It is harsh. Today I will be talking about Vipassana Vipassana Vipassana meditation, insight mediation practice of deeply focusing your mind. It can promote relaxation, mindfulness and a better sense of inner peace. There are many ways to meditate. One technique is vapasna meditation, also known as insight meditation. With this method, you practice self observation by focusing on your inner self in a nonjudgmental way

"Vipassana" means "seeing things as they really are." #mediatation #mentalwellness #peace #mentalhealth #itisharsh

Harsh S
@ItIsHARSH · 4:27

How to perform vipassana meditation

I hope you have a very happy and a healthy life. If you like this will please give with a like and do share it. Thank you. This is harsh and keep on meditating
