Lee Lee
@ILEAc22 · 5:00

The Mrs. & I, holding down family times

Tonight we had to hang out with my older cousin and his daughters. My other cousin, someone I consider was my brother and it was beautiful. We took about a lot of things and hang out. We had a lot of funny moments and now we're at the house and I just wonder, like, how do you feel about generations? Generations of family, family roofs. How hard is it to keep family together nowadays? Things like that?

#family #Love #broken #healthy # unhealthy

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:50
Sometimes it's not part of your nuclear family, and it's not your father or your mother or your siblings, but they sort of become that just by the way that they treat you and the bonds that you may have and sounds like you have that with your cousin, which is really nice. The older I get, the more I realize that you all get to choose your family as well as the one that you have
Lee Lee
@ILEAc22 · 4:51


They're supposed to be the people that you can run to in hard times, dark times, and the people you can come to when you need light and shelter and laughter and love, right? So I think sometimes it's good for us to be the center of our family. Meaning that sometimes it's better to look from our own standpoint and then build relationships with people outside of our bloodline and maybe within our bloodline with mutual respect
