Howie Rubin
@Howie · 0:05

Some podcast info

Thought this would be interesting to some of you podcasters out there

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 1:39

Apple Podcast are ancient and clunky to listen to.

So with Spotify, as they had pointed out, you can listen to it and then listen to music, then listen to it again. The podcast that is. And I find the podcast to be really easy to listen to on Spotify. It seems to be very quick and intuitive, especially when you search for new podcasts to listen to. It still keeps a history of the old podcast you listen to without needing to always subscribe. So I found that to be very ease of use as well
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 2:13

@Howie, @Wuandurful

Thanks, Howie, for that information. I actually was talking to someone and they had mentioned the same thing. That how Spotify was going to take over the market and things like that because my podcast was put up by and I was talking about how Spotify bought over Anchor. And so it's kind of like, oh, good. This is a good thing for me, kind of sort of. But anyway, I personally don't listen to music. I know shock gasp for me
Howie Rubin
@Howie · 0:36


Hey, Shahnaz, it's nice to hear your voice. Just curious. Do you and most podcasters do the podcasting for the enjoyment of making podcasts and expressing yourself? Or do you do a it for money making just an FYI for you? No more making fun of my wife. No more wife's stories except to say that she read me a riot act today. Apparently, you're not allowed allowed to use one knife while making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Who knew
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:49


It's a very stressful profession, and I'll be very honest. It's just like, Get me out of here, please. And I talked to my investment banker all the time. Like, when can I get out? I want to get out. And the reality is I thought about it and I was like, okay, perfect world. Everything is fine. Stocks good. You have the money, you can get out. And what would you do?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:46

I need to podcast soon. Lol @bookishpodcast and @Howie

You really got to be in the know of the know to listen to podcasts within Apple podcasts, or a lot of those other places in Daisy chains of avenues where you can listen to the podcast. And I thought he asked a great question, Howie. Honestly, both. Honestly, I do it for the love, but at the same time, it is rewarding to get compensated for your ideas
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:16


So I don't really look at podcasts as waiting, but that's my take on it the marketing aspect of it you're like, well, it doesn't matter how good the podcast is. Everything's marketing and that I completely agree with you. Everything life is marketing. I mean, whether your podcast, your business, anything and everything is marketing. Heck, you're marketing yourself. I mean, you and I and Howie, we're marketing ourselves at every moment
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:56

The Waiting Game and all of its forms. @bookishpodcast

I was making 40 minutes episodes, just responding to people responding to, like, two or three voice messages. And I was able to Orient a show around that and provide production value. And I think that's what really is my thing more. And then just what the typical podcast? What I hear everybody wants to interview like Joe Rogan or they want to have all these notes and scripts and stuff, and it just is so produced that it sounds like NPR I'm in somewhere in between all that
Howie Rubin
@Howie · 1:45


Hey, Dewuan, I am not a podcaster, but I certainly do enjoy listening to you talk about podcasting, so keep on doing it. I don't have a vested interest, but I am a big fan of Swells, and I am a big fan of Suda and Phil. I've worked with them in the past and really hope that they succeed to that end. I think conversations like this are really important
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:47

Swell is doing good so far, but I guess more can be done.

And as in regards to Swell and how to make Swell a greater platform, I think a lot of it is already kind of being done in regards of having podcasters on this app obviously lends to that ability to be able to be comfortable using the mic and talking and sharing ideas and also the chance to promote your podcast or whatever or at least that you do podcast
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:48

@Howie, @Wuandurful

Well, guess what. Tomorrow I'm going to be talking about hiking. Well, I went on this great trail. You get my picture. However, with podcasting. Unless your podcast is an open topic podcast where it's like a lifestyle podcast where anything goes, which means then you can do. I'm sorry. My husband is laughing in the background here. I think he's watching South Park or something. Howie, what do you say to that when your husband's laughing in the background?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:43

I find both forms to be similar for me I guess. @bookishpodcast

So I would say the difference is that Swell is set up more to where anyone can respond. And there's a community of people that are there to respond, whereas on podcasting, anyone can respond, at least on anchor with voice message feature. But it is not always going to be the case, and you have to be more Proactive to get those responses. But yeah, I've had episodes that sound just like my Swell posts to be honest with you
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:54

@Howie @Wuandurful

I probably didn't even know what social audio was until swell, but yeah, I've been doing podcasting for two and a half years without even knowing what the heck of podcast was seriously like when someone told me, you need to do a podcast. My first question was, what is a podcast? Which actually, I do get questions like that. Now what is a podcast? So I had to learn what a podcast was
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Howie Rubin
@Howie · 2:18

@bookishpodcast, @Wuandurful

So my interest in this conversation is what are some really neat things that Swell could do to help them build a user base and then help them retain that user base so that at some point they can monetize all the work that they've put into this with regards to my wife and laughing, I'm not quite sure what she might say to me, except that if I was really annoying, she'd probably flick me off and tell me to be quiet
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:59

I don’t know if there’s enough people here for live audio. 🤔

Whereas podcasting, you have to promote yourself because no one's going to care about the community of the podcasting platform that you are on. It's a lot different. So that's what I meant by prestige. It's not necessarily you, Shannon, are prestige. I'm just saying, as in the general public and how they view podcasters as to social audio microblogging as it were, I can only think of like Twitter started to make headway into it, and obviously, let's talk about clubhouse
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:59

Swell needs to keep the convo diverse and fresh. @Howie

But the diversity within voices out here, let's not be so stuck on this particular brand of voice that's all about positivity and happiness and how we can better the community and better world hunger and all that sort of stuff, because every app tries to do that. Every app does the same thing. They all do the same thing they try to showcase and put on a shrine, the same topical stuff that every other app does
