Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 1:48

#TellYourStory | What does "young at heart" mean to you at any age?

So I wanted to sort of asked this question to bring really a big breath to this conversation, because I think for those people who are just listening, who don't really have a good attitude about their age, maybe some of the ideas about being young at heart and what that means, how you get your mojo, that's kind of where I'm going with this. So what does that mean to be young at heart?

#Aging #Resilience #Attitude #Health

Jess The Inve$tor
@BoldaciousNYC · 3:47
I feel like I'm always, you know, playing around with my kids. I have younger age kids. They're eight and eleven. So, you know, they keep me, they keep us on our toes, for sure. And, you know, just being young at heart, it's a mindset. It's a mindset for sure
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:35
It's a feeling, and I don't think it's a feeling that comes naturally all the time. But I believe it can be cultivated with conversation and what you do as well. So that's my answer, you know, cultivate the young heart in you, no matter what your age is. Thank you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Lindsey Allison
@LindseyAllisonG · 4:56

Is your heart as light as feather? #ancientwisdom #mythology #laughter #play #fun #joy @dbpardes @hope @Balah

But I also think that when we're young at heart, the only way we can experience the youthfulness of our heart is if we are working in partnership with our inner child as well
Marc Sander
@MarcS1971 · 1:59
Her song, both sides now. It
Naf. T.
@Naffy · 0:43
What does young at heart mean? I've been told previously that I am somebody who is young at heart. To me, young at heart means being young at heart means that you wear your heart on your sleeve. You are also very simple minded and trusting. You're friendly and easy to get along with. People you're not suspecting, like things about people or places, for example. You're just simple. That's what I think. When you have when you are young at heart,

The Fountain of Youth is contained within each and every one of us, is it not? #StayYoung #Limitless #ForeverYoung #StayPositive #Remembered #Positive

I don't even have to see them because I know it's true. And the reality is that young at heart is living a genuinely good life where we all look out for each other, making one another happy, and remaining happy because of the good that we're doing. That, my friend, is how you will stay young and be remembered for being young by your peers, family, and loved ones long after you're gone. And that is something that's irreplaceable
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 2:02


Wow. I really like this topic. It's really interesting. It's definitely something I am. I'm very young at heart, and especially being a teacher and working with my kiddos, they actually keep me young at heart. And the way I go about it is just I approach the world with a sense of wonder and enjoyment. You know, for me, I have the most fun playing board games or, you know, I've had nature walks with my kiddos playing. I spy
I always felt like young at heart meant, you know, like, you have a young side to you. Like, so that's what, like, that's the best of you. That keeps you, like, I don't know, hit if I'm using the right word. I got married at 18, so, and then I had kids. So when I had kids, I actually, they kind of grew up with me as I went along
Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:07
That's great. I love that song. That's great. Thanks for sharing. I love that song. Take care. Bye now. Bye
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 0:44
I want to thank everybody so far who has participated in this. It's just extraordinary. It's so inspirational. I wish everybody could hear your stories because they all are peppered with just self reflection and a sense of hope and just this affirming idea that we are so accountable in some beautiful way to our relationship, to our life and our age. It ebbs and flows, and these stories are just extraordinary. And, yes, Joni Mitchell does have a way with words when it comes to appreciating life
Gentle Flame By India
@INDIA333 · 2:17
So, as adults, us putting that into perspective, into our current situations doesn't mean that ignorance, it solely means just not having a care in the world, because we're just not caught up in the ways that society says things should be, because we're doing things that make us feel free and make us happy. And that's what keeps us young at heart. Like, you could be 50 years old, you could be 20 years old, you could be 80 years old
@MaverickAce3 · 5:00
Because he's been on earth longer and knows things, seen things, has lived through things. Whereas the little girl, she can know everything in the world and still not know how the world operates on a character level. You know, she might know everything in the dictionary. And when it comes to integrity, she only, she may only know what the definition is, but couldn't tell you how to carry yourself with integrity
