Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:47

How I Broke My Good Goals—Part 2

So I think a key component to sticking with good habits is really just reviewing what your long term goal is. So if I wanted to stick with meditation, I have to think about the long term benefits, really. Um, or if I want to get to bed on time every night, what is the benefits of sleeping for 7 hours or 8 hours, you know, getting that proper rest. But yeah, that's all I wanted to say. I hope all of you have a swell day

#AtomicHabits #GoalSetting

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:47
Yeah, I love that because I think it goes well with the idea of kind of checking in on your progress and making sure that you're establishing the good habits for a good reason and also just, like, monitoring how you feel about them. Because maybe it's like you start out with, okay, I want to get at 8 hours of sleep. But I don't know. Maybe you need to check in and be like, do I need more? Do I need less?
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 0:57


I think he said, what are you doing before you're about to do that? Bad habit. I'll definitely be mindful of that at the next time. I can't wait to get started on that journey. Again, thank you again for responding
