Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 4:59

Epiphanies of an eventful day!

Ones who don't understand it. And yet they need their rights for a better living, for a better quality of life. And these years, they might not be as educated or as exposed to the modern world, but they are willing. Without any monetary interest, they are willing. How beautiful is that? How selfless is that? I understood the soul of social work today. And that moved me. That truly moved me
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 5:00
And boy, the stories that he had to share with us. So he is a guy who left his home, his family, to dedicate his life for a cause. So he joined some bulwarks of the local ngos and local Jan Jagrithi Munch, Jan Andolan kind of thing. So he's a part of Ikta Parishad, which is sort of a platform for people's movements
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 5:00


Second thing, when we speak about social causes, when we speak about ngos, I somehow do not too much resonate with the concept of ngos because I believe that in order to drive a social cause also you need money. And that's the reason, that's what the social causes around the world understood. And that is where the concept of social entrepreneurship came in
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 4:42


The medical community was that. That hospital that was thriving there was able to get medicines for themselves, give better treatment to the community. And that's exactly how we give back to the community. And I see similar kind of picture here. Also. The point at the place where we are right now, India is being eyed from all directions right now. This is the point when every single cultural aspect of indian society can be used as an opportunity to reach every part of the world
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:08
Thank you, Himanshi, for sharing this beautiful incident with us. It is really overwhelming when you see people who work selflessly for the benefit of others, and I'm sure you would have felt absolutely amazed and wonderful. And I don't have the edge actives that could describe how you would have felt in that moment, and it's very difficult to find such people who will work so selflessly
Speaking Buddha
@Vivek.Padalia · 1:09


Thanks Himanshi for sharing this. I think this is in our ecosystem or in our ancient philosophy also that volunteering or supporting, helping through our selfless service. So it is always amazing to see these souls around us and those who are volunteering, supporting, making a difference in the society, but yes, with respect to the ngos or organizations who are working in this particular field
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 4:53


So it is the cause to live by. Only when you live to the cause, then only you can save forest. Or then only you can talk about environmental conservation. Just speaking about it doesn't make any difference. So thank you for instigating such a thought provoking conversation. You have a great night. Bye
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:32
And not just these people who are directly affected, but also other people. For instance, every movement, every huge campaign is supported by a lot of commoners, right, who may or may not be directly involved. Their interests, of course, on a broad level, all of our interests are interconnected. But a lot of people get into these sort of movements for personal gains
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:11
And I think, you know, it is the efforts like these which continue to sustain the humanity on the face of the violence, the bloodshed, the selfishness, the disgruntlement, the negativity, I think, underlies these honest, true, truthful, genuine efforts by the people for fellow humans. And I think this is what keeps us going. So, yeah, maybe be them, maybe nurture these emotions and maybe contribute in sustaining the humanity for times to come
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:29
And they are changing so many lives at so many levels, especially at the ground level. So, yeah, thank you. Thank you for stopping by and thank you for talking about one of the facets of social work. I hope you're doing great. I'll see you around. Thank you. Good night
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 4:58
Talking about ngos. Yes, I do find that space quite challenging because, in fact, because you mentioned about the funding issues and everything. The director I met, so one of the ngos, those were participating in yesterday's workshop, I happened to have a dialogue with one of the ngos founder and director, and he highlighted the fact that how ngos do not choose right based causes. So, forest rights is a rights based cause, Narega is right to work
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 3:01
They do exist in their own forms. In their societies also. But I think. Itna Nahi. When you read about gold tribes and other tribes which are here. You will see that there is something called youth dormitories. Where boys and girls are made to stay together. They are taught about sex education. They are taught about puberty. And they are taught about all these important things. Which initially are laden with a lot of stigmas and taboos. But become important eventually. Right?
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:44
When we know what we want, what we have to do, and when we have all the resources with us, why don't we show our selflessness and work for things that we want? So thank you so much, Himanshi, for such an inspirational and motivational story and experience that you have shared with us and inspired us to give the best selflessly. Thank you
preethy uthup
@peeli · 4:12
They are the change makers, I would say. And so also, as you said, that the man who is doing so much for conservation of forests and the forest rights, actually this is one area which people really don't think that people are aware of it
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 4:00

@trawell_cast @peeli @Bibliophile @Gamechanger @Vivek.Padalia @TheDevilsHorse

And that was a triumphant movement now because now his brother is studying. So now he will start his preparation for the state civil services. So once so happened that my friend Khushbu, it was during the winters, and she saw that this guy, this guy, this our protagonist in the story, he never wears woolen wear. Like he doesn't have a winter clothing. And she used to bug him. That why you're being so courageous and brave, just braving these wintery winds?
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:40
Thank you so much. Himanshi. Thank you for taking the time to respond to all our responses and share such good stories and incidents there are from your real life and that inspires us and makes us think about, ah, doing something apart from our normal daily routine and trying to help others and probably step out of the box and do something worthwhile. Thank you so much. Have a lovely day. Bye
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 3:37
Hi Priti, good morning. Thank you for leaving such an insightful reply on my swell. I immediately looked up the book that you talked about, empathy engines. I mean, that is going to be. That phrase is going to stay with me. Empathy engines. How wonderful. And transforming schools into empathy engines. Wow. It is. How ingenious it is, right? So I looked up the book and it looks really interesting. I want to read it now
