Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 4:46

An Eye for Content - Writing With Impact

If you're writing for the general audience? And unless you're writing a thesis paper, it helps to keep the content entertaining and straightforward. A writer in this segment must also have the ability to translate. And by translate, I am referring to being able to translate thoughts, emotions and ideas into layman language. It is not merely enough that you understand what you're writing about or that there is a consensus about the topic in the community

How can I become an exceptional writer? Here are some proven hacks, which when put to practice, can improve your #writing. #editing #inspiration

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 4:34
And content writing is definitely one of the most demanding skills in today's world because every single company needs a content writer and it is a job role that is in demand and people can make a solid career out of it. So these tips are definitely going to help someone who is looking at becoming a content writer in the long run
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 4:25

@Aishani - thank you for bringing in a writers experience and perspective here. 💯

When content writing and digital marketing analysis come together and they brainstorm and they try to find that key area where people need people are looking to consume content, I think companies and individuals can end up creating amazing pieces of content that really fly. Thanks for chiming in once again. I really appreciate all the thoughts that you brought to this
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 1:48
Beliefs as I believe that pen has more power than words and art talks at times. And if we write ethically, if we use the correct wordings, it can change. Because I am a reader of self help books, I read one book, The Secret and years back, and I believe that it's an amazing book. Easy language, easy to understand and wrote towards having a positive outlook, having a positive mind, positive thinking
