Dzakye M
@dzakyem · 4:05

Sadness over the impossibility to retire early

If I wanted to retire early, I would have to abandon this apartment and I would have nowhere to shelter. Somehow, even before retirement, I could retire early, I would be free, but I would have no rules anymore. So realizing that, I thought, yes, just enjoy your time

Need for a change? For a challenge? Or just feeling of injustice stuck in me from childhood on?

Dzakye M
@dzakyem · 4:21

@marklesserart Balance / Retirement / Friend retired = adventurous plans... Btw see where my friend want to be active!?

By the way, I've got a colleague who managed to take his retirement very early and in Switzerland you can take your money at once. So as a sum of money and he is now investing into a kind of a restaurant on the ALP up there in the mountain where he will welcome tourists. And as he's taking quite a risk because he's around 60 and how is he going to manage his retirement pension when he's 70 or 75?
Dzakye M
@dzakyem · 2:33

@marklesserart Romantic, dynamic approach vs Victorian, inerior, sensitive approach...

You're. So we seem to agree. Yes, I'm 58 two and yes, there's this romantic view of giving it all having constant challenges, going beyond our limits. This is the a very common cultural perspective there is nowadays. Still, we are in a kind of a romantic philosophy, at least in regards to Anglo Saxon culture. General. Yes, in general. That's at least my impression
