Dharthi Chipalkatti
@dharthiiii · 1:59

Work-life balance

You can also bring success in your life to smart work. Right. So there are different ways to actually achieve what we want. It's not only hard work. Hard work is one of the things obviously. Sure, without a doubt. But it's not the only thing. So it's very important to have that balance in every area or genre of our lives. So that's what I just wanted to put out here. So yes, thank you so much. You're
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:15
Hey, I completely agree. And yes, especially with the rise of the quote unquote Hassle culture, this entire idea of worklife balance has been walked, right? It's just all about work, all about striking in what you do in a profession, or if you're an entrepreneur, then in your business. But yes, I think the people who are close to you, they deserve your time as well
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:18
One must know how to handle multiple aspects in life in order to become successful. The one who just does work, the one who doesn't maintain his relationships is not a term a successful person. So if you want to truly achieve success in your life, you have to know how to allocate your time, how to schedule your time such that you can enjoy your life with your relations, with your family and enjoy your work that you do
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Dharthi Chipalkatti
@dharthiiii · 0:34
And when they do that, what happens is when they're putting so much effort into one particular thing and not really getting the right amount of the expected amount of outcome out of it, it, again kind of completely chatterjee their whole voice, since they would have meant in that thing, the whole world. Right. It's just a vicious cycle. Yeah
Dharthi Chipalkatti
@dharthiiii · 0:16
Yeah. Yeah. That, like, makes a lot of sense. Like, you know, keeping out time for others and, like, you know, doing the time management and just not, you know, making that your work your whole life and everything becomes very important and yeah. Thank you so much for coming here and listening to myself
