Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 3:32

Photographic Memories and The Photos We Hold On To .

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Because right now, I'm living in the state of my life. For every decision that I make, I want it to be one where I can look back and say, yeah, I know exactly why I did that shit. I think it's the fliest thing ever. I think us all being able to have this collective photographic memory, it's gonna be really dope. And I'm curious to see what we do with it and what stands the test of time

#sdp24Apr24 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:29
Hey Derek, another great swell from you, man. I love the comparison you made about Buddha having a social media. I think that's really great concept to consider because it absolutely plays into the development of our psyche and the distractions and I mean, look at how much time it takes up on the average user, out of their day, out of their week. It's ridiculous. Imagine that same amount of time was in meditating or reading a book
Valerie G
@ValBGood · 1:54
So continue doing what you do in love. Okay, let me continue. So I don't think we think about memory at all. So it had me thinking that it's times where I have to remember how powerful I am and how, you know, concern for others and how situations that I have overcome and remember what superpowers I do have. And this is all a part of this evolution or this connection is for me, this new thought realization that everything is fucking connected. I mean, everything
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 1:58


We're talking about our businesses and growth and everything. And we start talking about influencers, you know, wanting to put together creative projects. And the lady we were working with, she referred to us as the YouTube brands. Like, that was our generation. And I thought it was hilarious. Cause, you know, like, one, the most media I probably consume just unconsciously at this point in my life is YouTube
Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 0:58


So, like, that's moving forward just in general, right? Like, that's how I'm trying to structure my life where when I go back and I look at how I want to remember myself, I would like to remember myself as somebody who thought, somebody who thought critically, somebody who was open, somebody who tried to laugh, you know, somebody who really tried to make sense and understand life around us. Right? I'm like, whether