Dare Strickland
@DareD2 · 5:00

CIGAR....a vignetted play from DOORS by Dare Darice Strickland

This is another segment of my vignetted play called Doors. It's called cigar has three characters. Kevin, Zach, and then a woman. A door is marked viewing room b, and under that is the name Adams. There are flowers sitting around and a sign in book on a pedestal. It is in a funeral home, and the hymn is playing quietly. A teenage boy comes out of the door and sits on one of the three chairs outside the door

CIGAR....based on true incident in my own way.

Dare Strickland
@DareD2 · 2:39

CIGAR....the last of this segment from DOORS

I'm going to finish up the vignette called Cigar. Zach is sitting outside the living room of his grandmother. Kevin gives him a gotcha point at the finger and smiling, they both go into the viewing room. This low rock beat slowly changes to this song. I don't have the music to this. One day. Or maybe I will