Dare Strickland
@DareD2 · 5:00


Why did you turn on the light? Because I wanted to see your face when you answered me. You didn't ask me anything. Do what? Why do you always try to make me feel worthless and stupid? What? One labor paint is worth more than a dollar nine. What? Listen, Ducko, I've had three children. Carried each one of them for nine months. I couldn't hang my belly on a coat rack and go to the bar to have a beer with a boys

Play by Darice Scott-Strickland..scenes from somewhere at a door.

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:11
This is such a cool idea. I'd love to hear. To hear more excerpts from your plays. It's inspiring me to go and write some scenes now, so. Yeah, thank you