Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 5:00

Boundaries: Shining the light on values

My writing goes hand in hand with my photography and you'll find usually when I share a swell, I also include a photograph about it. They inspire each other. Sometimes I'm thinking of a topic and I'll be writing and I will seek out moments that I can photograph that coincide, but more often I will be photographing, which is usually in the natural landscape, and it will inspire a topic. And that's what happened here. I was experiencing the very early morning light

#nature #boundaries #values #selfawareness #personalgrowth #respect #knowyourvalues #healing #growing

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:19


But what's really compelling about the light aspect that you bring up is that we have to show who we are by doing what we do. And infused in that behavior is our values. I think when values are put on a plate and served up to people out of context, just as an idea, they don't really have a way to resonate with that person because it just feels like an abstraction. But I think as we move through life and show and not tell, our values are very clear
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 3:42
I actually replayed that section and just kind of relistened to it and just kind of had to think on it how knowing what you know, who you are because you know, what you do or don't want to let into your life maybe actually makes you more secure and more able to be open and ready for new and different experiences. And also just thank you for the reminder that we are not the same human beings that we were in our 20s
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


It's just acknowledging, I see it's over there, but I have no need to approach it. And then there's the other situations where you have to remind someone or starkly put in that rigid boundary and say, this is a line that is unacceptable for you to cross. So all of the fluidity of these things and how these things change, I think, is how I generally look at boundaries. And values in some ways, I think are hard to nail down as well
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 3:48
I learned values probably from a young age. I went to Catholic schools and when we read the Bible and stuff, a lot of stuff, I'd be like what the h***, I don't stand for this. And a lot of stuff I thought, wow, this makes a lot of sense and it fits really well with me. So I kind of have to take the best, leave the rest method for that
