cosette tsai
@cosette · 2:20

Am I ___ enough?

Hi. Okay, so I just want to come up on Salt today and talk about the feeling of being enough. This is like a common feeling that I feel. I'm not sure if everybody else feels, but it can be like the basic am I enough of a good enough dancer where I can dance in public even though it kind of looks like a chicken? Am I enough that to sing well enough that I can sing in front of people instead of having to hide?

#enough #whatdoesenoughmeantoyou

Zara Lisbon
@ZLisbon · 4:48
Like, either, do I have enough? Have I succeeded enough? Am I pretty enough? Is still one that like, I don't know why that just haunts me. Skinny enough, good enough body, whatever, physical stuff, then also career stuff. And should I have been farther along by now? Should I own more by now? Is my existence enough? Are other people better than me? Are they more enough than I am?
cosette tsai
@cosette · 2:04


I'm just trying to get my degree, try to find something and go into therapy where I can help more children, where I feel like I can hopefully be enough for them to open up to me. And I think that strive is good because it can help you determine what you want to do in life, but also it can also be super proud. And I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Thank you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

cosette tsai
@cosette · 3:04


And I feel like that is probably my experience that I would be sharing with the world, because that's just something I care so much about is that every kid has a positive environment or somewhere they could go to receive the support or just the joy of being a kid without all the tensions of, like, I don't know
