Chloe Kaminskas
@chlomonsta · 5:00

Taurus from a Aquarius

And, you know, I've made a few swell episodes about this before, you know, and my kind of look at is that you are entitled to believe whatever bullshit you want, and this is just my bullshit, and I love it, and it's f****** great. So just to start off, I'm a Taurus. And Christina, you're an Aquarius, right? Yes, yes. Air sign queen. And I'm an earth sign

#astrology #taurus #aquarius

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:02
This is really fun to listen to. As a taurus as well who's had several friendships with Aquariuses, I feel like there's a nice dynamic between Aquariuses and tauruses is like I feel like aquarius are quite challenging. Like, there is they can be heady and very smart and specific things, which is a fun thing for a tourist to vibe with. I feel like aquarius brings a lot of, like, wow, energy
