Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:35

Major develoments in the women’s division go down during the 12/16/23 eddition of AEW Collision!

It's going to be an adjustment to calling her sky black. I called her sky blue for so long. So a tag team match was set up for next week. I don't remember if it was dynamite, rampage or collision. I don't remember. Probably dynamite for a big match like this. It'll be the first match back for Thunder Rosa. It is guaranteed to be a fantastic high stakes, high intensity matchup. What do you guys think about all this? Let me know

#AEW. #Collision

Edward Oribhabor
@Edcellent · 4:59

@Chief2 Went to watch my 1st AEW show. #aewdynamite #aewrampage

The Dark Order ended up winning the match, and I would consider the match a surprise victory for Dark Order because of the fact that Cole Cabana and Brandon Cutler, they're in control for a better part of the match. I think the turning point in the match was when evil uno, he was at ringside representing the dark order. He removed Brandon Cutler's shoe. As a result, Brandon Cutler would end up wrestling the match with only one shoe the rest of the way
