Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:45

Adam Copeland has his first ever match in AEW, and Shida wins the AEW Women’s World Championship for the third time! AEW Dynmite Title Tuesdsy news!

She is the first ever three time AEW women's world champion. Alright, folks, let me know what you have to say and all that. Like I said, I forgot about the WWE topic, so I'm going to bring that to you next. And then I have one more sports topic. Have a great day, folks. Peace

#AEW. #Dynmite. #TitleTuesday

Edward Oribhabor
@Edcellent · 3:56


It's good that this rivalry, if you want to call it, is back up, and I think the two of them are going to tear up the ring when they face off against each other. Now onto the AEW Women's championship. Akaru shida. Like you said, Zach, she's the first three time champion in the AEW women's division. A lot of people often hear people call her the Pandemic Champion, which I find somewhat offensive
