Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 5:00

Sex is an even exchange. Don’t overthink it.

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It's not coming from a place of genuine intimacy. It's coming from this even exchange that we speak of because a lot of people it could be an even exchange, but we're not even using protection to keep ourselves from having children because there's so many of them running around here. So my view on sex has always been that it's supposed to be intimate. A lot of people look at it as this is something that's going to make me feel good

#dating #relationships #children #attraction #love #intimacy

Calvin Davis
@Crippledthought · 3:35

#Sex #Love #Intimacy #Connection

That's another reason why sex is being called an even exchange. Because there are people who believe that you can have sex without the intimacy. And that's just not the case. What I mean by that is, in order to have good sex, you must have good intimacy. That's why you have people that's like that person, wasn't it? Or he didn't do anything for me, or she didn't do anything for me
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Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
Then we can start talking about the first time when you reach out and just go two fingers on the first time before you start holding hands or before the first kiss or anything else that leads up to that type of intimacy and how you're supposed to treat a woman and how a woman is supposed to treat a man with that. It because there's some things you get no do over, and that's one of them. You know what I mean?
Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 4:52


But just as a society, as a human being, we have minimized the importance of being intimate with someone. We have tried to protect ourselves. Like you said, nobody wants to be vulnerable. Everybody wants to protect themselves. That's like the main thing. Like, I'm not going to get hurt, so because I'm not going to get hurt, I'm going to make sure that I don't feel anything deep while I'm doing this
Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 4:55


Because whatever I hear all the time about how men think, about what goes on in a man's mind, whatever, I don't know. I'm not a man. I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I know what goes on in the head of a man. But you don't have to speak everything that you think. Why? Because there's a respect factor. There's a lot of things that I think or that I feel about certain things
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 3:58

#Intimacy Please lets Overthink this one.

Every time you see it, say something, do something, influence positive behavior and habits in that space, it's that bad. No longer can we talk about it like that. We just have to do it. Get involved, boots on the ground, get in the trenches, adopt a child and be a big sister. And because the world needs it, it's not just about our families anymore
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