@changemakers · 1:30

Designing for social change and innovation: Yunsun Chung

Artists are paragons of change because they have the ability to reach out to the hearts of millions of people through their creativity, courage of conviction and imagination. We must be thankful that they walk the planet in these times and from time to time remind us to stay true to the quality of being human. Today, we are delighted to welcome on change makers


@changemakers · 0:12

Community building and design principles - connecting the dots

Yunsun I would like to start off by asking you what motivated you to explore a symbiotic relationship between design principles and community building initiatives
Yunsun Chung
@cyunsun · 5:00

#empthy-driven #people-centered #community building #design integration

Thank you Srisha, for the invitation and kind introduction for the first question, I see design principle in social settings have been evolved around the fulfill the needs of people, community and humanity. Briefly, the concept of design for human by Victor Papanik and the Participatory design movement in were very much supporting my instinct to explore the roles of design and relationship with the community. I see design as a tool and also catalyst to bring awareness and support for the process
Yunsun Chung
@cyunsun · 1:30
And I used to tell other people that when they asked me what you want to be doing with your life. And I said, I just want to be a cool grandma, which I realized how novel and difficult task it is. Sometimes I just want to disappear, actually, because what's ahead of us is really colossal. We cannot do it alone. We have to do it together. Every single individual people can actually contribute to make and make the change and figure things out together
@changemakers · 0:56

ME=WE philosophy

Congratulations on being a grandmom. And, you know, wishing you very, very joyful, memorable times with your grandkids. And it's very true. You know, when we look at the social fabric, we have a macro perspective in mind. And there is also something that's deeply personal when we think about what we leave behind for our children and our grandchildren
Yunsun Chung
@cyunsun · 3:12

#ME=WE framework #co-design

Thank you for the question about me equals we framework has been quite instrumental. I don't think I plan to create a framework. It was necessary for me to communicate with my student life, the classroom at the also workshop setting that I needed to find a way to visualize the abstract concept, how I am engaged with the we as a society because we are talking about self discovery and understanding society, and hence we contribute to the entire community through service. Right
Yunsun Chung
@cyunsun · 1:05

#ME=WE #framework #co-design

Also, I would like to mention that it was a collaborative process I opened to the my research is a very transparent transdisciplinary research one at University. Also through Inoco many people contribute to strengthen this me because we concept and framework, especially Joanne Rennocks, who is other co founder of the Co. She was the right colleague to work through understand other needs. And she's also artists and design art educator
@changemakers · 1:04

Sustainable practices in a post pandemic world

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful concept with us. And it does put into perspective, you know, this whole transition from individualism to looking at every being as part of the whole and therefore working collectively for the benefit of that whole. I think this helps understand that concept very beautifully
Yunsun Chung
@cyunsun · 4:59

#kulna.me #food revolution #social change. https://youtu.be/x8Hj_Jx0ucY

So not only in art and design, communication, technology and natural science and all other actually people faculty working together to create a prototype so that we can see actually what things we can grow if we create a garden and we can create like food production system where we can actually grow organic food we can supply to the canteen
Yunsun Chung
@cyunsun · 3:13
Through this codesign experience building the community garden University gave me such an insight and hope that what actually has happened in the community either regardless of pre or like during or post pandemic. I think this is the way to live is the way that we engage with one another and really truly see ourselves how we can sustain our life. We cannot do it. Others help. Absolutely not the way that we need to work with soil and people will engage and actually exchange true appreciation and respect
@changemakers · 0:22

Thank you

Thank you so much, Yunsun, for taking time out to share your valuable insights here on Sul, looking forward to hearing updates on the work that you're doing from time to time and opening up this discussion to questions from our listeners. Thank you once again, Yuan Son, it was a pleasure talking to you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Yunsun Chung
@cyunsun · 1:46

Thank you for having me. Best wishes for everyone’s changemaking efforts.

Pleasure was mine. Thank you, Sri Je and s time like this, the way that we are looking at all the challenges, a true opportunity for our humanity to wake up and grow and support each other, to face so much challenge that we are facing unprecedented challenges that we cannot do it alone. No small group cannot do it alone. We hope to work together actually from the ground up, from the community level, from home, from my neighbor and other place that we belong
