Coded A. Thoughts
@cathoughts · 2:17

Aaron Rodgers no longer in the running for VP.

Now that Aaron Rogers is out of the picture when it comes to the 2024 race for president, vice president, it just comes to show how chaotic things have gotten in this country when it comes to the political climate that we're dealing with at the moment, aside from Joe Biden and former president 45, it's going to be interesting to see who's going to be into the third nominee, whether it's going to be RFK, a junior or a wild card pops up out of nowhere

New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers was considered a running mate to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

phil spade
@Phil · 2:06


And that's a time where Aaron Rodgers would be going back to training camp and playing an NFL schedule in the months of September, October and November. How would that even be possible? And I just never took too much credence into this. And like I said, the New York jets didn't either. The one thing I found amusing that kind of brought the whole thing to a next level of absurdity is that RFK Jr
