Cassidy Waterson
@cassidywat · 4:47

Spirtuality Series 🔮✨: Energy, Frequencies, Vibration

So I personally love quantum physics and quantum mechanics and their connection to spirituality because there's just some science you just can't deny. And I love to throw the science on people who do not believe me when I tell them. But put simply, we are energetic beings. We can vibrate at a high vibrational frequency, or we can vibrate at a low vibrational frequency. And depending on that, what happens in your life will reflect that who you're surrounded by the thoughts you have, et cetera

#frequencies #vibrations

Darrisha Daniel
@Dee94 · 2:02
That's a good question. And to that I would answer it with another question. Does consciousness or does energy translate to consciousness? It just reminds me always of a person in a vegetative state. How are they conscious? They're obviously still alive and they still have energy. But does being conscious? Yeah. Is there like a prerequisite to being conscious Besides energy and the holding of it? I really like how you laid out the whole thing of how you feel about the frequencies and everything
Enfinit Evolushun
@Enfinit · 3:17

Awesome subject!

But maybe one day we can get into a space consciously where we can tap into creation, and we can have this universal flow and flow with the universe so well that we can hear everything in nature. I've hugged a tree, and I've communed with trees. I've stuck my feet in the ground, and I felt the energy from the Earth. I've been in water, and it amplified that energy. And the trickle from rain has really affected my mood and really amplified my happiness
